
Bentley is a small village on the border of Surrey and Hampshire. We have a thriving Scout Group with around 100 youth members, and a team of dedicated amazing leaders.

We are very proud of our links with Baden Powell, who lived in the village at Pax Hill between 1918 and 1938. Pax Hill is now a Care Home, and still holds its links with Hampshire Scouts.

We provide fun, friendship, activities and much more for members aged 6 – 25 years old.


1st Bentley Scouts was a music troop, but was closed due to the 2nd World War. The rules stated that if a group closed for more than 6 months then you cannot use the same number again, but apparently, there was an exception made for the war, but the group were unaware of this, and in 1970 2nd Bentley Scouts was started.

In late 1969, Alan Atkins along with Miriam Coyle and John Christie, wanted to reform the Scout Group, and 2nd Bentley was formed. In the early days Sir William Pike helped by letting them use the building in his back garden, along with an outside toilet!

Sadly Alan Atkins passed away and John Christie became GSL, Miriam became Cub Leader and John became Scout Leader, with a small group of Cubs and Scouts. Over the years the Group began to grow, and by 1978 the Scout Hut was built on the recreation ground.

In 1979 the Group expanded with the creation of the Venture Scout Unit. This was lead by Brian Mayhew and its only two members, Bob Wilson and Ivan Barnett.

1985 the group introduced their first Beavers section. In 1988 Alan Hayes took over the role of GSL, and in 2006 the former original Venture Scout, Bob Wilson became GSL

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HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

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King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III